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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lokpal Bill May Go The Women's Bill Way, Fears Kiran Bedi

Team Anna member Kiran Bedi today feared that the Lokpal Bill may go the Women’s Reservation Bill’s way as those in power are comfortable with status quo.

“What you are seeing is nothing unexpected. It may go the Women’s Bill way. There is no unity, no consensus on the issue,” she said reacting to the opposition from some political parties to the proposed legislation.


1 comment:

  1. How does TeamAnna in the first place expected a lady of thebackground of Sonia and her cronies with supporters likelallu&mulayam togiveaway CBI controlfromthegovernment.She and her cronies knowthat with in two months of a CBI auonomy asenvisaged by Team Anna sonia'afate will be sealed.It is time Shri.Anna starts a mass movement toget rid of sonia from india
